Callum Green

In the end of seduction … more

Sonne in Mangogrün.

Ich spiele mit der Beschaffenheit des Materials und den Launen der Farbe. Ich versuche das Zarte, das Scheue mit viel Feingefühl und leisem Flüstern herauszulocken. Wir begegnen uns lustvoll, frivol, unverstellt in unserer Absicht, doch bei aller Metapher des Ausdrucks stets respektvoll und ein wenig reserviert. Es ist ein Wettlauf der Hintergedanken mit der Reduktion, der selbst bewussten Gelassenheit, Gefasstheit, der sinnlichen Dosierung dessen, was ist und was aus uns werden kann: Hot-lava, Purple Oasis, Hyper-Fuse – sexy, die kleinen Gesten der großen Verführung.


Mango Sunset

My practice is grounded in painting with a focus on materiality and colour. I work with a fluid process open to failure and reworking driven towards achieving a sense of poise; a delicate balance between gesture, surface and the object. The work is driven by language: by dry humour and an economy of words. This is transposed through a kind of visual metaphor into a painterly language of gesture, screens and layers of paint. The work is in a sense an exercise in reduction; like the best of language, achieving a desired poise and balance by the most economical means.

As well as language the work focuses on colour and sexuality as its other major themes. Colour may be lifted from commercial sources, often high street fashion and trainer colour-ways, primarily used for its use of language. These fragments of language (Hot-lava, Purple Oasis, Hyper-Fuse) are hugely suggestive and sensuous. This alludes to a kind of fetishisation that gives the work its palette. In terms of sexualisation, I aim for the work to allude to a kind of domestic homo-eroticism; rarely explicit but rather bubbling underneath, suggested by touch and in titles, in a way that might queer the minimal.